Day 1 – 30 Days Wild

So our great British weather is certainly living up to its reputation and the first official day of Summer has been marked with pouring rain and gale force winds. While I sit in my warm office surrounded by the scent of my gorgeous bunch of flowers that my husband bought me for our anniversary today, I am reminding myself that the weather, come rain or shine, is all part of nature. Although I have to say I do prefer the sunshine myself!

This morning I was observing a pair of Blackbirds on the garden fence who seemed to have a lot to say for themselves. They’ve only made themselves known over the last week so I’m wondering If they might have some new babies in one of the neighbours gardens. I’m one of those dreaded cat owners at this time of year so I’m keeping a very close eye on them at the moment and trying to deter the cats from hanging around the garden too much. Days like today are perfect as they’re not a fan of the rain and tend to stay indoors sleeping. I’m hoping to get out with the camera a bit later and get a shot of the Blackbirds so I can introduce them properly.

I was also excited to receive my Butterfly Garden in the post ready for the arrival of my Painted Lady caterpillars next week. It takes between 3-5 weeks for the entire metamorphosis so I will be sure to post regular pictures as soon as they arrive so you can follow their progress. Once the Butterflies emerge from their chrysalis I’ll enjoy watching them closely for a couple of days before setting them free in the garden next to my Buddleia. I already have a Butterfly house and feeder in the garden so I’m hoping for some more residents when the weather warms up a bit.

As I haven’t been out with the camera yet today unfortunately I don’t have todays pic to share with you so here is one from my walk up the hill at the weekend. I hope you like it.

H x


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